Delicious Dinners in Minutes: crispy parmesan chicken with creamy lemon pasta, creamy broccoli salad and chocolate chip cookie dough bars.
I love easy dinners and this crispy parmesan chicken will be one that you add to your list! Not only is it simple to make but it is also delicious to eat. I always love finding meals that my children will eat and ask for more. This meal literally disappears at my house.
A simple creamy broccoli salad is absolutely delicious. I love trying new salads and this is one that I was hesitant to try at first. Fresh broccoli, dried cranberries bacon and sunflower seeds with a creamy dressing really makes the perfect combination for a fabulous salad. This is a salad that people take a small first helping and then a larger second helping. It is deceiving how delicious the flavor combo really is.

Click here for this week’s shopping list.
Crispy Parmesan Chicken with Creamy Lemon Pasta
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bars
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