Friday Faves: Torments of Life
It seems like lately the world is experiencing so many tragedies; fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes are happening to the land. Cancer, mental illness, loneliness, heartbreak are happening to our physical bodies. Divorce, financial insecurities, and growing pains are happening in our homes. No matter where you turn, you will see and hear about these sad, lonely, heartbreaking tragedies that are filling our world. It might be easy to get down, discouraged or even fearful.
There is one constant in my life that keeps me calm, confident, and focused on what matters most. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that hardships and challenges are part of this life. Everyone experiences them. But the constant, that keeps me focused on the bright side of life is my confidence in the Savior’s power to assist me through them. [Read more…]