We just finished the school musical which is an incredible experience but also an added burden of time away from my little ones. I feel like they accommodated well but were ready to have their mom back. I love how my children learn through this experience. We still can’t go anywhere in the car without listening to Seussical Jr. We are singing and reciting lines all day long. My kids talk about all of the actors and refer to them as their friends. It’s the sweetest thing. I still can’t get over how unifying the whole experience is. I love how much each participant grows from being part of something bigger than themselves.
Just as we finished the musical we listed our condo and have been busy boxing, cleaning and preparing for the sale. My kids see their toys going in boxes and taken away in the car and are completely out of their comfort zone. So many changes. I don’t know how anyone with little children actually sells a home because it is nearly impossible to keep your home completely spotless. What an adventure.
So with all of the craziness of these big life changes, I’ve decided I needed to make time for my littles. So once, sometimes more a day we go on an adventure. We’ve been going on walks and running to the park. Yesterday we spent the day at the zoo and enjoyed the sunshine. Sometimes it’s just to the store to pick up packing tape or a trip to McDonalds but I’m trying really hard to make sure they are a priority amidst the chaos that fills our lives at the moment.
Someday we will have the condo sold and get into a “big house” like my son describes. He wants stairs and a backyard so he can play baseball and soccer. We will look back on this time and probably laugh because we thought it was complicated and hard. Isn’t that funny how life has a way of strengthening us through our hard times.
If anything I encourage you to take a moment each day to be present with your children. Put down your to do list, hop on the floor and play with your children. You will be surprised how much quicker your list will be to complete and how much happier your children are.
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