Looking back on my life, my greatest memories have formed around the kitchen table. From my earliest memories of frosting sugar cookies, Thanksgiving feasts at grandma’s house to my own self discovery phases of early adulthood and single life. Now as I establish my home I want nothing more than those moments, conversations and memories formed with my own children and family around my kitchen table.
Welcome to A Teaspoon of Home a meal planning resource made just for you. A Teaspoon of Home is a collection of my favorite dishes. A one stop resource for feeding your family or hosting a party.
Ronald Reagan once said “all great change in America begins at the dinner table.” I honestly believe that to be true. Dinner time has always been sacred family time in my home. We discuss the events of our day, share funny stories, talk about dreams and realities and rally around family members in times of need. All great things in my life began around the kitchen table.
I hope that I can encourage others to try to change the world by sharing meals at the dinner table. Whether you are hosting a dinner party or upgrading your meal planning A Teaspoon of Home will jumpstart your tabletop memories.