January 6, 2017

Friday Faves: Shoo Germs, Don’t Bother Me!

Although I’ve loved the holidays, we have been hit hard with the winter germs. Since Christmas each child has taken their week to cough, run their nose and cause us parents to get little sleep.


There is nothing more alarming than hearing your child cough until they puke. Then rushing to the bathtub, throwing every piece of bedding into the washer and starting over. Sometimes this happened multiple times a day. Other times it never happened, but because it had happened you wake up every time your child coughs.

This has been us the last two weeks. Needless to say, we are beyond exhausted. On a positive note, our kids are on the mend and I got five consecutive hours of sleep last night. Which is why it is 5:00 am and I can’t sleep anymore because that it double the amount of sleep I’ve had any night for the last two weeks.


Oh the joy of parenthood!

The best part of winter break has been that my little girl has decided she is a walker! She wobbles around and tries to chase her brother everywhere he goes. It is completely adorable and she is the happiest she has ever been because she feels BIG. It’s the absolute best to see your child master something they’ve worked so hard at. She still stumbles but jumps right back up.

 Favorite Pinterest Finds:

Low Calorie Chicken Salad Sandwiches

Friday Faves


Banana Bread Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cups

Friday Faves


Chocolate Chip Oreo Cheesecake Bars

Friday Faves



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